Thursday, November 21, 2013

Abandon All Hope...

[caption id="attachment_346" align="aligncenter" width="300"]abandonhope Dante would have said it a bit better, were he alive today...because once you hit "Enter" and the words are published, they will haunt you FOREVER...[/caption]

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Only A Flesh Wound...?

Only A Flesh Wound...?

...and then his HEAD bounced out of the battlefield, and landed in the lap of the Baroness--AND HE KEPT ON FIGHTING!!


Now, if you laughed your head off at this accidental beheading, pick it back up, put it back on your shoulders--the right way, facing forward--and then fish out a nickel for the NickelAtATime skull-reattaching fund.  Paypal it to!

Be Sure Caffeine Is Engaged Before Putting Brain Into Gear

Be Sure Caffeine Is Engaged Before Putting Brain Into Gear

After all, you don't want to violate any of those governmental safety regulations concerning how much caffeine has to be in your system before operating any form of brainpower, would you...?

Then, when you finally have enough caffeine in your system to function without drooling on your shirt, fish a nickel out of your coffeepot and Paypal it off to us at!